We Help Doctors and Medical Professionals take
Good Care of their Money
Let's Start with Organizing Your Financials as a First Step to Financial Wellness. Download a FREE Financial Records Organizer for Doctors and Use it to Collate all your financial data at a Single Place.
Why Financial Planning For Doctors?
Are Doctors Different? You Earn Well, You Live Well, You are in the most Respected, Noble and Stable profession which will not be Impacted by any Recession or Economic Slowdown. So why is there a Need of Financial planning for Doctors?
The Answer to this lies in the Question Itself. You Earn well, so the money should work for You and be used properly. You Live well so the money should ensure that Your Lifestyle should not be Compromised even when you are not Working. Your Recession Free Profession expose You to many Easy Loan options, and make You the favorite prospects with Bankers, Real estate developers, and may result in you going overboard on some avoidable options. You are Human and many times behave like Your patients. The Time Crunch you have makes you Vulnerable to Missellers. You need Professional help ...Read More
Our Founder and Your Planner
Manikaran Singal is the Founder and Chief Financial Planner at Dr Good Money. Manikaran is MBA Finance (Gold medalist), Certified Financial Planner and SEBI Registered Investment Adviser. Having 17+ years of extensive experience, he is managing clients across the globe. He has authored a book titled - "The Art of Being Good with Money" published by CNBC TV 18, India's Biggest Media House. He is a Regular Contributor in leading Media Houses and his articles keep getting published in different prominent business magazines and Journals. He is of the strong Opinion that Money Behaves the Way you treat it. and if you really want to get Good out of it, first you have to behave good with it.
Your Wealth Care Specialist
No Conflict of Interest
We would be paid directly by you and not by product manufactures. Trust is the foundation of any Relation and We believe in Long term Relationships,
Virtual Service Personal touch
We understand your time constraints, and thus we are fully equipped to serve you Virtually, without losing the Personal touch.
Registered Practitioner
CFP & SEBI Registered Investment Adviser, are Legally Bound to act in client's best Interest
(Regd. No. INA100001620)
FREE Ebook -
Financial Planning for Doctors- What to expect?
My Book with CNBC

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or call: 8393-04-2908
What Our Doctor Clients Have to Say
Being into medical profession, I hardly find enough time to manage my investments, insurances and other financials. I tried myself and then many so called professionals’ services from brokers to bankers, but to no avail as everyone was chasing his/her own job targets. My hard-earned money was getting wasted in helping people earn promotions.
The financial sector has become so complex that it’s very difficult to understand the technicalities in detail. In such a scenario, you have to depend on someone who can help you in an honest and sincere manner and that too in your interest. I came in contact with Mr. Manikaran Singal in 2008 and I am quite happy with his advice and professional acumen
Dr. Ashwani Kansal, Mohali

Frankly, at first, I was a bit reluctant to engage a fee based financial planner. After all, when everything is available online for Free, why to pay for the advice. But later, I realized that there is a lot of information (unrequired) available around, which confuses rather than convince you. So, it’s wise to have a professional financial planner by your side. I was following Manikaran’s blog (www.goodmoneying.com) for quite some time. I liked his thought process and decided to try his services.
To my surprise I found out that his first aim was to make his clients gain financial education, and in that he was very patient as well as sincere. His ultimate objective is to make things understandable and clear to the client, he believes in simplicity and makes sure that complications stay away from you. His help in goal setting, mapping investing surplus to different goals, knowing me and my family’s risk profile, knowing when to disagree and why…has made my financial life quite simple and growth-oriented. Rather than googling and confusing myself with the different reviews and articles, I get Filtered information, which is more important for me. Now I know where to go for all my financial doubts.
One major thing I learned after working with Manikaran is that, you save so much of time which you otherwise would have spent worrying about your investments, its returns, your goals or searching for better products, reading financial books, following Money control or CNBC and other media channels. With a financial planner by your side, you enjoy your time and give your time to the other important areas in your life. I am proud of my decision
Dr. Sachin Gupta, New Delhi

Knowledge Posts for Doctors
Financial Planning for Doctors is not Limited to making Investments. It covers many aspects, like taxes, Insurance, Loans, Estate Planning, Goals etc. So we have try writing on different such subjects to help you learn more and Ask Right Questions
Financial Planning Services
When it Comes to Professional Services, Health and Wealth both needs to be Managed the same way.
Earlier you start better it is.
Its about Your WealthNess
Think of this as a long term care rather than One time visit. Your Financial Life does not starts and ends with you. It has many other stakeholders in it and you are responsible for their wellness too.
You don't want them to be worried about the Family's Financial Management in your absence. In fact even if you are there you don't want yourself to remain immersed in the Complexities of the Finances by compromising the quality time which you can devote to your Profession, your Health and Your family. We offer Financial Planning Services in two versions
This is a Financial Plan Only Service. Where we Diagnose and Prescribe, as in We will write your Financial Plan, after taking into consideration your Income, expenses, assets, Liabilities , goals and other specifics, and also advise on the Action Points. No Implementation and Review help
This is a Comprehensive Financial Planning Service, where we Diagnose, Prescribe, Get you the treatment, and do regular Follow ups. Means Plan writing, Implementation, Regular Reviews and Ongoing Query Handling. We will be your Family Wealth Doctor in this case.
Make Your Appointment Today
Personal finances needs to be in line with your Life and Personal Goals. Your Busy schedule and demanding profession may not be leaving enough time for you to look at them and work on its improvement. Lets Discuss your challenges and how can we help you manage them better.
or call: +91-83930-42908